Alessandro Bavila
Alessandro Bavila was admitted to the Bar in 2002. He obtained an LL.M. Degree in Tax from the University of London and worked afterwards at the IBFD of Amsterdam as IFA researcher before joining the Firm.
He has consolidated expertise in international taxation, personal and estate planning, trusts and taxation of individuals by and large.
He is regularly invited as speaker at conferences and seminars on tax topics.
He is a member of TIAETL (International Academy of Estate and Trust Law) and PAIAM (Professional Advisors to the International Art Market), as well as an international fellow of ACTEC (American College of Trust and Estate Counsel). Since 2023, he is member of the board of the Italian branch of STEP (The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) of which he was previously member of the Scientific Committee.
- Inheritance and gift taxes - Italy, A. Bavila, G. Maisto, in La fiscalité des successions et des donations internationales, Gilles de Foy, Edouard-Jean Navez, Bruxelles, 2023, 667-710
- International aspects of philanthropic, cultural and charitable giving under Italian inheritance and gift tax law, A. Bavila, M. Cerrato, in The Journal of International Tax, Trust & Corporate Planning, 2013, 287-301
- Section - Italy, A. Bavila, G. Maisto, in IBFD Trusts, 2013, online
- Taxation of trusts in Italy: capital gains on trust assets and trasparent trust, A. Bavila, in Bullettin for international taxation, 2010, 482-486
- La residenza del trust nei trattati contro le doppie imposizioni e il ruolo dei soggetti diversi dal trustee, A. Bavila, in Trust e attività fiduciarie, 2008
- Treaty entitlement and personal attribution of income: Italian Branch report, A. Bavila, G. Maisto, in Cahiers de droit fiscal international - volume 92 b, The Hague, 2007, 331-350
- Brevi note in tema di scambio di informazioni tra amministrazioni finanziarie, A. Bavila, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2002, parte IV, 153-163
- Some issues on the exchange of information between revenue authorities., A. Bavila, in Diritto e pratica tributaria internazionale, 2001, 271-305
- Moving Away from Global Taxation: Dit and Other Forms of Taxation, A. Bavila, in European taxation, 2001, 211-220
- Doppia imposizione economica e giuridica dei dividendi di fonte estera. I rimedi della disciplina interna, A. Bavila, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2001, parte IV, 123-134