Clarissa Canziani
Clarissa Canziani is admitted to the Milan Bar. She graduated (cum laude) in Law at the University of Insubria in 2020 and, in 2023, won the Public Competition for Admission to the Doctoral Research Programme in Law and Human Sciences at the same university.
She is “cultore della materia” in civil law and private law.
She is “cultore della materia” in civil law and private law.
She joined Maisto e Associati in 2024 after working for several years for a major Italian law firm.
She has developed a solid cross-disciplinary experience in extrajudicial and judicial matters with regard to civil, corporate and labor law and in specific matters involving security and environmental issues.
- Riflessioni circa limiti e benefici del “donation crowdfunding, C. Canziani, in SalvisJuribus, 13/08/2023
- Diritti umani e cambiamento climatico, C. Canziani, in Filodiritto, 13/07/2023