Clarissa Canziani
Clarissa Canziani is a member of the Milan Bar Association. She graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Insubria in 2020 and has been a PhD candidate in Civil Law at the same university since 2023. She is also a Teaching Assistant in Civil Law and Private Law Institutions.
She joined Maisto e Associati in 2024 after gaining several years of experience at a leading Italian law firm. She has developed broad cross-disciplinary expertise in both judicial and extrajudicial matters, with a particular focus on civil and corporate law.
Her practice is primarily dedicated to private clients, both at a national and international level, focusing on wealth and succession planning, trusts, foundations, corporate structures, and real estate transactions.
- Riflessioni circa limiti e benefici del “donation crowdfunding, C. Canziani, in SalvisJuribus, 13/08/2023
- Diritti umani e cambiamento climatico, C. Canziani, in Filodiritto, 13/07/2023