Stefano Tellarini
Stefano Tellarini was admitted to the Association of Chartered Accountants in 2004. He joined Maisto e Associati as partner in 2019, after having acted as a partner in another tax law firm for five years.
He works mainly on taxation of financial instruments and financial transactions, as well as on taxation of real estate and private clients. In particular, he advises private and institutional clients, in Italy and abroad, on tax issues regarding different types of real estate and financial investments as well as the tax treatment of collective investment schemes, financing and capital market transactions, M&A and structured finance.
He also assists clients (domestic and international) in potential tax controversies and tax dispute resolutions through settlements.
He often speaks at tax conferences and lectures in post-graduate tax courses.
- Esenzione mantenuta per gli investimenti in OICR, S. Tellarini, C. Silvani, in Eutekne.info, 08/02/2023
- Plusvalenze immobiliari, esenti solo gli enti white list, S. Tellarini, C. Silvani, in Il Sole 24 ore, 10/12/2022
- Il nodo degli Oicr immobiliari non residenti, S. Tellarini, C. Silvani, in Il Sole 24 ore, 10/12/2022
- I disallineamenti da ibridi inversi, S. Tellarini, S. Marchese, in I disallineamenti da ibridi, E. della Valle e L. Miele (a cura di), Milano, 2021, 369-395
- La nozione di “beneficiario effettivo” ai fini del regime convenzionale dei dividendi, S. Tellarini, in La tassazione dei dividendi intersocietari - Quaderni della Rivista di diritto tributario, G. Maisto (a cura di), Milano, 2012, 591-623
- Contratti di assicurazione sulla vita e capitalizzazione stipulati da soggetti fiscalmente residenti in Italia con imprese di assicurazione estere operanti in Italia in regime di libera prestazione di servizi (nota a Agenzia delle Entrate – Direzione Cent, S. Tellarini, in Rivista di Diritto Tributario, 2005, parte IV, 214