Tax Alert
TAX ALERT 2016/01
- Reduction of corporate income tax rate
- Review of statute of limitation rules
- Abolition of “black list cost” rules
- Country-by-Country Reporting rules
- New incentives introduced
- New penalty system entering into force as from 2016
TAX ALERT 2015/05
Last set of decrees implementing the 2014 Italian Tax Reform
- Reform of tax ruling procedures
- Review of tax litigation
- Review of the administrative penalty system
- Review of the criminal penalty system
TAX ALERT 2015/04
- Changes to rules on taxation of crossborder relationships
- New definition of “abuse of law”
- Review of statute of limitations
- Cooperative compliance program
TAX ALERT 2015/03
- Review of the black lists announced
- Amendments to the recently introduced Patent Box regime
- Extension of the interest withholding tax exemption for qualifying foreign lenders
- Supreme Court judgments on the application of gift tax to trusts
- Foreign tax credit: clarifications provided by the Italian tax authorities
- Extension of reverse brain drain incentive
TAX ALERT 2015/02
- Amending Protocol to Italy and Switzerland on exchange of information
- Exchange of Information Agreements also with Liechtenstein, Monaco, Guernsey and Isle of Man
- Constitutional Court declares Robin Hood Tax illegitimate
- Business Restructurings qualified by the Supreme Court as transfers of going concern
- Supreme Court case law on substitute tax for refinancing transactions
TAX ALERT 2015/01
- Increase of taxation for Italian pension funds
- Tax step-up election for shares held by individuals
- Redesign of the "blacklists"
- San Marino now white-listed
- New rules applicable to liquidated companies
- Broadening of possibilities to cure past violations
TAX ALERT 2014/12
- Applicability of voluntary disclosure programme as of 1 January 2015
- Ordinary taxation of disclosed income, but significant reductions of penalties and removal of criminal charges
- Luxembourg removed from black-list
TAX ALERT 2014/11
- Improvements to the SIIQ regime become law
- New law enacted to remove EU law infringements
- Qatar included in the white list
- Transfer pricing audits on multinationals: Proposed actions by the Italian Joint Stock Company Association (ASSONIME)
TAX ALERT 2014/10
- New "patent box" regime
- Increase of IRAP tax rate
- Deductibility of labour costs for IRAP purposes
- Higher taxation of dividends received by non-commercial entities
- Limitation of exemption for life insurance policies