
  • T. Galluccio, Italy, in New trends in the definition of Permanent Establishment, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2019
  • G. Maisto, P. Arginelli, Italy: the shipbuilder's subcontractor case, in Tax treaty case law around the globe 2018, E.C.C.M. Kemmeren, P. Essers, D.S. Smit, C. Oener, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), 2019, 95-105
  • G. Maisto, P. Arginelli, Italy: the fragmented road transportation activity case, in Tax treaty case law around the globe 2018, E.C.C.M. Kemmeren, P. Essers, D.S. Smit, C. Oener, M. Lang, J. Owens, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), 2019, 107-111
  • C. Silvani, Italian national report on Subject II of IFA Congress – London 2019, “Investment funds”, in Cahiers de droit fiscal international - volume 104 b, 2019, 477-497
  • M. Cerrato, B. Izzo, La fiscalità della filantropia in Italia e all’estero, in Filantropia, 2019
  • G. Maisto, L' attuazione 'ragionata' delle raccomandazioni BEPS e delle direttiva anti-elusione nell'ordinamento tributario italiano, in Per un nuovo ordinamento tributario, C. Glendi, G. Corasaniti, C. Corrado Oliva, P. de' Capitani di Vimercate (a cura di), Milano, 2019, 605-621
  • M. Cenini, Dal ripristino alla rigenerazione: l'esperienza statunitense, in Diritto e rigenerazione dei brownfields, M. Passalacqua, B. Pozzo (a cura di), Torino, 2019, 207-219
  • C. Silvani, Italy - Corporate Taxation, in Country Analyses IBFD, 04/06/2019, online
  • G. Corciulo, Arbitration under the Dispute Resolution Directive-Does the directive solve the problems encountered with the EU arbitration convention?, in OECD arbitration in tax treaty law, A. Majdanska, L. Turcan (eds.), Wien, 2018, 447-467
  • G. Maisto, Shall international tax planning drop drammatically by virtue of BEPS? It depends, in Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)in taxation, B. Yalti (ed.), 2018, 171-175
  • L. Peverini, Le sanzioni tributarie, in Lezioni di diritto tributario (VI ed.), G. Melis (a cura di), Torino, 2018
  • A. Brazzalotto, Chapter 13 : Italy, in Taxation of intellectual property under domestic law, EU law and tax treaties, G. Maisto (edited by), Amsterdam, 2018, 469-534
  • M. Cerrato, Italien, in Tax Compliance: Prävention - Investigation - Remediation – Unternehmensverteidigung, M. Rübenstahl , J. Idler (eds), 2018, 1407-1430
  • M. Cenini, Environmental Liability and Waste: Which Responsibilities for Landowners?, in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources – Legal Instruments and Approaches, H. Tegner Anker, B. Egelund Olsen (eds.), Cambridge, 2018, 81-95
  • G. Maisto, Italy: Cases on the application of the ne bis in indem principle, Menci (C-524/15) Orsi and Baldetti (C-217/15 and C-350/15) and Bisignani (C-125/17) on Italian Reporting Obligations, in CJEU: Recent Developments in Direct Taxation 2017, M. Lang, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, A. Storck (eds), Wien, 2018, 107-126
  • M. Valdonio, A. Massimiano, M. Severi, Italy, in Guide to International Transfer Pricing Law: Tax Planning and Compliance Strategies - 7th Edition, Duff & Phelps, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2018, 669-730
  • M. Cerrato, Il ruolo della variabile fiscale nell'asset allocation, in I portafogli di investimento nel private banking: la pianificazione di scelte ottimali, Theo Delia-Russell (a cura di), 2017, 210-258
  • M. Valdonio, A. Massimiano, M. Severi, Italy, in Guide to International Transfer Pricing Law: Tax Planning and Compliance Strategies - 7th Edition, Duff & Phelps, Alphen aan den Rijn, 06/10/2017, 591-646
  • A. Rottoli, A. Parolini, Exemptions in VAT law - Recent case law of the CJEU, in CJEU - Recent developments in Value Added Tax 2016, M. Lang, P. Pistone, A. Rust, J. Schuch, C. Staringer, D. Raponi (eds), Wien, 05/10/2017, 267-291
  • M. Cataldi, The Attribution of Income to a Digital Permanent Establishment, M. Cataldi, in Taxation in a Global Digital Economy, I. Kerschner, M. Somare (eds), Wien, 2017, 143-160