Tax Alert
TAX ALERT 2018/03
Conversion into Law of Law Decree No. 87/2018: relevant tax measures -
TAX ALERT 2018/02
Public consultation on new Italian TP regulations -
TAX ALERT 2018/01
Major tax measures included in the Italian 2018 Budget Law- Amendments to the domestic definition of “permanent establishment”;
- Introduction of a new tax on digital transactions (“Web Tax”);
- Changes to the tax regime of dividends and capital gains from substantial shareholdings;
- Changes to the tax regime of dividends from entities resident in low-tax jurisdictions;
- Changes to the rules limiting the deductibility of interest expenses for corporate tax purposes;
- Changes to the rules governing the interpretation of deeds for Italian registration tax purposes;
Changes to the VAT group regime.
TAX ALERT 2017/03
New Italian rules on tax amnesty for pending litigations and self-disclosure of potential undeclared permanent establishmentsLeggi tutto »
- Tax Amnesty: Possibility to settle pending tax litigations with a forfeiture of 100% of penalties
- Disclosure of potential undeclared permanent establishments: application of 50% of minimum penalties and non-application of criminal penalties
TAX ALERT 2017/02
Carried interest schemes and transfer pricing: new rules enacted by the Italian Government
New rules introduced for qualifying carried interest schemes
- minimum 1% investment
- 5-year minimum holding period
Transfer pricing rules reshape
reference to the arm's length principle and internationalbest practices
specific rules on corresponding adjustments
TAX ALERT 2017/01
Implementation decree of Italian CbCR rules publishedHighlights- Application of CbCR rules as from first reportable period ending on or after 31 December 2016
- Obligations for Italian parents and Italian subs of MNE groups with parents in non-complying States
- Exemption for 2016 for Italian subs with parents in non-complying States in case of voluntary filing by the foreign parent
- CbCR to be used by tax authorities as an indicator to start further enquiries on transfer pricing
TAX ALERT 2016/06
Italy introduces VAT Group regime
TAX ALERT 2016/05
- Regime available to individuals transferring their residence to Italy (after a 9 out of 10 period of residence abroad)
- Flat taxation of foreign-source income (€ 100,000)
- Possibility to extend the benefit to relatives
- Exemption from reporting obligations, inheritance / gift taxes and wealth taxes
TAX ALERT 2016/04
Deadline for access to the voluntary disclosure programme extended to 31 July 2017
Beneficial impact on penalties and years covered from the stipulation by Italy of a wider network of exchange of information
Possibility to choose between self-calculation and preliminary review by tax authorities
TAX ALERT 2016/03
Brexit: potential consequences on the tax relations between the UK and Italy