• F. Semonella, Equalisation payments from an italian income tax perspective, in European Investment Fund Review, 2024, 5, 1-8
  • G. Maisto, Italy: The updated provisions on the taxation of income distributions from foreign trusts and similar entities residing in “privileged tax jurisdictions”, in Trusts & Trustees, 11/07/2024
  • M. Felisi, Masse plurime: divisione della comunione e successioni ereditarie, in We Wealth, 11/07/2024
  • M. Cerrato, The global wealth tax: a temporary trend or a shift of paradigm in international tax policy, in The Month, 01/06/2024, 12-14
  • M. Felisi, Eredità e successione: il diritto di abitazione del coniuge superstite, in We Wealth, 24/06/2024
  • M. Cerrato, G. Calabi, Fisco e mercato dell'arte, in Il giornale dell'arte, 20/06/2024
  • G. Maisto, Note sull’applicazione dell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1) del Modello di Convenzione OCSE negli ordinamenti che adottano un sistema di imposizione su base territoriale, in Rivista di diritto tributario, 2024, V, 17-36
  • G. Maisto, C. Silvani, Italy: Admiral Gaming Network A. O. (Joined cases C-475/20 to C-482/20), in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky (eds.), 2024, 163-171
  • G. Maisto, C. Silvani, Italy: Contship Italia S.p.A. (Joined cases C-433/21 to C-434/21), in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky (eds.), Vienna, 2024, 173-182
  • M. Cenini, La funzione sociale del patrimonio culturale: tra proprietà e persona, M. Cenini, Napoli, 2024
  • F. Semonella, V. Dafnomilis, Overturning a palindrome: can the Court of Justice reconsider the Lexel decision?, in Kluwer international tax blog, 20/05/2024
  • M. Felisi, La consolidata stabile convivenza costituisce motivo di revisione dell’assegno divorzile, in Il Quotidiano Giuridico, 14/05/2024
  • C. Silvani, Fusioni estere più facili con il nuovo tax rate test semplificato ai fini CFC, in Eutekne Il Quotidiano del Commercialista, 08/05/2024
  • M. Cerrato, Eredità e donazioni cosa cambia se passa la Riforma, in La Repubblica, 06/05/2024
  • M. Cerrato, Eredità e donazioni cosa cambia se passa la riforma, in La Repubblica, 06/05/2024
  • G. Maisto, C. Silvani, Italy: Treaty Requires Foreign Tax Credit against Flat Tax, in Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, A. Rust, P. Pistone, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky, P. Essers, E. Kemmeren, C. Oner, D. Smith (eds.), Amsterdam, 2024, 311-322
  • G. Maisto, C. Silvani, Italy: Application of Later Versions of the OECD Commentary to Older Double Tax Treaties, in Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2023, G. Kofler, M. Lang, A. Rust, P. Pistone, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky, P. Essers, E. Kemmeren, C. Oner, D. Smith (eds.), Amsterdam, 2024, 33-40
  • M. Felisi, Testamento internazionale: come funziona e cosa sapere, in We Wealth, 12/04/2024
  • G. Maisto, Notes on the application of Article 4(1) OCED Model Convention to territorial tax systems, in A journey through European and international taxation: liber amicorum in honour of Peter Essers, C. De Ppietro, C. Peters, E. Kemmeren (eds.), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2024, 365-374
  • G. Maisto, Italy: Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK ( C-83/21), in CJEU - Recent developments in direct taxation 2022, G. Kofler, M. Lang, P.Pistone , A. Rust, J. Schuch, K. Spies, C. Staringer, R. Szudoczky (eds.), Wien, 2024, 1-7