• M. Cerrato, Casi particolari: immobili, beneficiari e disponenti di trust, polizze assicurative e società estere, in Voluntary Disclosure: guida pratica (Gruppo 24 Ore), 2015, 21-34
  • G. Maisto, Procedura di collaborazione volontaria: oggetto, soggetti, riduzione delle sanzioni, in Voluntary Disclosure: guida pratica (Gruppo 24 Ore), 2015, 7-20
  • G. Zanetti, Italy, in Departures from the OECD Model and Commentaries, G. Maisto (editor), Amsterdam, 2014, 421-458
  • A. Alfano, Italy - Cross-border Outsourcing - Issues, Strategies & Solutions, in Cahiers de droit fiscal international -99a, The Hague, 2014
  • A. Alfano, Evolving PE standard: potential issues for multinational corporations, in Newsletter of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division Vol 20 No, 02/10/2014
  • G. Maisto, Web economy da concertare la territorialità allargata, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 04/12/2014
  • G. Maisto, The Principle of Effectiveness, in Principles of Law: Function, Status and Impact in EU Tax Law, C. Brokelind (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014, 163-182
  • E. Buono, Libertà di stabilimento e normativa sul consolidato fiscale nazionale, in La gestione straordinaria delle imprese, 2014, 82-87
  • G. Maisto, Taxation of Groups and CCCTB, in Movement of Persons and Tax Mobility in the EU: Changing Winds, A. P. Dourado (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014, 355-362
  • M. Cerrato, Voluntary, pesa il raddoppio dei termini, in Il Sole 24 Ore, 17/07/2014
  • G. Maisto, Controlled Foreign Company Legislation, Corporate Residence and Anti-Hybrid Arrangement Rules, in Bulletin for International Taxation, 2014, 327-331
  • M. Valdonio, A. Massimiano, M. Severi, Italy, in BNA Transfer Pricing Forum, 2014, April 2014
  • A. Massimiano, M. Valdonio, M. Severi, Italy, in BNA Transfer Pricing Forum, 2014, April 2014
  • A. Massimiano, M. Valdonio, M. Severi, Italy, in BNA Transfer Pricing Forum, 2014, April 2014
  • G. Maisto, Some Thoughts on the Judicial Application of EU Tax Law from an Italian Perspective, in Litigating EU Tax Law in International, national and Non-EU National Courts, D. Sarmiento, D. Jiménez-Valladolid de L'Hotellerie-Fallois, Amsterdam, 2014, 31-48
  • A. Massimiano, Guidelines from Italian tax authorities on the arbitration convention: An Analysis in light of the EU code of conduct, in International Transfer Pricing Journal, 2014, 50-55
  • L. Peverini, Art. 360, comma 1, n. 5 c.p.c., “doppia conforme” e “processo tributario”: la recente pronuncia delle Sezioni Unite, in, 2014
  • L. Peverini, La natura patrimoniale dell'imposta sulle società di comodo, in Dialoghi tributari, 2014, 132
  • L. Peverini, I tributi ambientali, in L'evoluzione del sistema fiscale e il principio di capacità contributiva, G. Melis, L. Salvini (a cura di), Padova, 2014, 719
  • G. Maisto, Italy: Italian PE of Slovenian Citizen who acted as Tourist Intermediary for a Slovenian Ski Club, in Tax Treaty case Law around the Globe 2014, P. Essers (edited by), Amsterdam, 2014, 17-21